Image courtesy of Amazon (not my dog, not my vehicle). You will need to strap or bungee the bowl to keep it from sliding around
The Waterboy travel water bowl is hands down one of the best purchases I have ever made for my dogs. I think adequate hydration is important for everyone, including my dogs, and now I don’t have to worry about it whether we’re running around doing errands or on the road for a trip.
Gone are the days of the dogs only being able to drink at stops along the way. The Waterboy travels full of water and I can hear the dogs in the back of my SUV lapping up water while on the road. It stays in my vehicle all the time. Best thing? It doesn’t spill water.
The little blue bowl allows just a small amount of water into the bottom and refills as the dog drinks. That’s why there’s never enough water in it to slop all over the place. I love it.
My timid dog Ellie started using it as soon as I filled it and set it down on the kitchen floor before taking outside to my vehicle. My fearless dog Nikki looked at it with a baleful eye, sniffed it with disdain, and had an expression that said “I’m not drinking out of that thing.” When she got thirsty enough on our first trip with it she gave in and used it readily after that. So don’t expect every dog to be immediately thrilled with the little pool of water available at the bottom of the blue cup.
I have read reviews where people complain about leaking. The big black o-ring shown in the picture is like any other o-ring. It needs periodic maintenance in order to keep doing it’s job. Every once in a while I take the o-ring off, wipe all the accumulated dried slobber and crud off of it, wipe on a fresh thin coating of petroleum jelly and put it back on the bowl. It seals beautifully and my Waterboy never leaks.
There’s only one thing I had to add — the bowl was driving me crazy sliding all over the back so I have a small bungee cord on the handle that is hooked to the side of the cargo area. No more sliding and it’s right where the dogs need it.
I do still keep a jug of water stored in the SUV in case the dogs empty the bowl and there isn’t any water available, but it doesn’t hardly ever get used anymore.
Depending on where you get it, the Waterboy will cost you $15-20. It’s worth every penny.
I’m not sponsored by anyone so this is just the opinion of me as a dog owner.