My day job is designing websites for small business owners who don’t have bottomless pockets to have an internet presence. I believe every brick and mortar business needs a website these days. It’s become a requirement for a credible appearance to customers and if it does nothing else, it gives prospective customers your location and contact information. If you don’t have a store, it’s even more important. The site doesn’t have to be huge, but it needs to be current and well done. … Read the full article…

This is not a how-to. No pictures. This is rather the tale of a fairly proficient user who isn’t afraid to beat her way through computer problems. The key to success is that most people have more than one computer in the home these days, so if you get stuck you just use the other computer to research until you find the answer. FYI – the computer is a Windows 7 desktop. I’ve known for a while my hard drive … Read the full article…

I do a lot of typing so when my space bar started missing about half the time it became incredibly annoying. I have a wireless keyboard so I checked the batteries and they were in good shape. I was typing an email this morning and I was missing almost every space in a sentence and out of utter annoyance I got a small screw driver and popped the space bar off. My jaw dropped. There was so much dog hair … Read the full article…

After a repairman told me a surge probably fried the electronics controlling the compressor on my refrigerator and suggested I get a single outlet surge protector I started doing some research. Which appliances are at risk? Appliances used to be a lot simpler than they are now. Now everything is digital and electronic. I found the following comment on BobVila.com: Interesting how refrigerators have changed… Now 2013, leading OEM’s include leading electronics manufacturers, Samsung, LG, etc. Today they are laden … Read the full article…

This Sunday I returned from a nine-day camping trip to find a totally dead refrigerator. In fact, the inside of the refrigerator was much warmer than the house since I’d turned the heat way down. Apparently the fans and other parts heat things up when the compressor stops cooling. Oh joy. It must have died several days before because everything was completely thawed and stinky and all the food was a total loss. The good news? It was a terrific … Read the full article…

Having recently moved to an extremely humid area I was not happy with how mildewy the dishwasher was getting between uses earlier this summer. I live alone, don’t go through the many dishes most of the time and they were sitting in that damp environment too long. Wash my dishes in a moldy, mildewy environment? It just wasn’t very appetizing so I decided to quit using the dishwasher and hand wash for the remainder of the summer. Now it’s October … Read the full article…

Recently I was reading a Family Handyman online article on 5 things you should do for your vehicle and it mentioned changing the in-cabin air filters once a year. If you click on the image to the left it will take you to their article. I’d had issues with the filters leading to my cabin. I had parked my vehicle outside at a friend’s house for a few days while we traveled and when I got back the smell in … Read the full article…

I develop sites for clients on my own host server which happens to be HostMonster. Been with them for years and haven’t had any problems, so while there are cheaper options, I figure why fix something that isn’t broken. When working for a client I share the url for their test site so they can view and approve the work. When the site it completed I move it to their server. FYI – I’ve been recommending PowWeb most of the … Read the full article…

I absolutely, unequivocally adore FiOS. I was in one of the lucky first neighborhoods to get it and it was flawless for the years that I had it. When I decided to move, I was terribly disappointed it wasn’t available in the area to which I was moving. I hope to someday live where it’s available again. That said — beware of the cancelling process. Especially if you’ve made the decision to not spend the money on a Verizon phone … Read the full article…

A little background A few years back I had the operating system drive in the computer then die at an inopportune time. Is there ever a good time? I did what I had done in the past. I’m not sure if this is out of sheer stubbornness or belief that it’s doable, but I tried the drive over and over again using a boot disk until it came on one time so I could get the important data off of … Read the full article…