For all of you who sent questions via the contact form — I apologize. I just realized the form must have been broken by a WordPress update somewhere along the way. I’ve been traveling and had no idea. It makes me sick that I have ignored all these emails — I thought people had just stopped emailing… I am going to work on responding to all the emails so be patient.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
For a while my blog is going to take a completely different slant. Several months ago I made the decision to travel full-time as a volunteer at different parks across the country so all projects at home came to a halt as I prepared the house to sell. The house is sold, the travel trailer ordered, and starting in mid June I will be on the road for (hopefully) the next few years. This is a big change so no telling how I’m going to feel about it until I am deeply into it. I will still be posting to the … Read more…

I have planned on making a living room table following the same design as bench I made for the entry. You can see the details on the bench here. I think it’s only fair to point out the reason I make “rustic” pieces — it’s because I don’t have the tools or the know-how to produce a finely crafted piece of furniture. Rustic fits me and my style better anyway. In designing it I had to start with the top and then back into the measurements for everything else. I wanted the top to be between 32-34” square. I decided … Read more…